Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For Your Consideration...

Its funny how those around your can influence a decision that you've been struggling with for a long time. Its even funnier that they probably never knew they did it. So I'll give them credit here.

After much consideration, I have decided to re-attach my self to the old "Blog-O-Sphere". It's been a while since I've been on the scene. I'm an "old" blogger. I started when LiveJournal was in its infancy, then moved on to Xanga (Blog) and every once in a while an entry would pop up on MySpace (Link) or Facebook (Link). But as time moved on I felt I had no real reason to keep blogging. Most of my blogs talked about some level of discontent or angst and, as I got older, I was having a lot less of both. Now I've realized that I'm a little older, I'm a little wiser (Reference) and I can use this blog for a more therapeutic sharing of bad as well as good news. Who knows, maybe I can geek out from time-to-time on here. For now things will stay pretty light. So I will go ahead and wrap this one up, however, the only thing I can promise is that I won't pull any punches in the future.

As I mentioned earlier, I didn't come to this decision on my own. I had lots of help. Believe it or not, it all started with Mandy (Blog). She started blogging on MySpace and that kind of got me back into things but I still didn't really take hold. Then Lance (Blog) gave the blog-o-ball a good push. Still I was reluctant. Then I met Cary (Blog), a man who uses the blog the way that I want to use a blog. This is where the bloging roots began to take hold. Reading Cary's blog made me want to blog, a feeling that I believe is crucial to the whole blogging phenomenon, but still I was merely satisfied with reading the blogs of others and never offering up anything of my own. Until Matt C. (Blog) posted on Twitter (Link) that he was wanting to get back into bloging but had found writer's block. I told him that I was considering getting back into blogging but was struggling over the same thing. He was able to overcome is block, I was not. It was a completely unknown push by someone I care about immensely that put me here. That person is, my girlfriend Kristin (Blog). She created a blog themed around my favorite passage of the Bible (Phil. 4: 6-7). This was the push that puts me at the keyboard tonight. Funny, she never even knew I was thinking about this, simply because I didn't think it was important in "our" world.

OK, I think I'm finished for now and its almost time for Wednesday Night Encounter (Link). Goodnight sweet blog-o-sphere, and a flight of angels sing the to thy rest (Reference).
